
Kim Griffin is an ex-interior designer and former homeschool mom who has been leading Bible Studies for over 34 years and working in Women's Ministry for over 25 years.  As she began phasing out of the homeschool mom title God led her to write words of hope.  She currently writes Christian clean romance and has written a Christmas Advent Devotional book.  Her desire is that her books will draw you closer to the God who sees you and loves you still. 

    The romance books Kim writes have lots of scripture woven in. Her hope is that both Christians and non-Christians will see how God's Word applies to their everyday lives.  She gives her main characters opportunities to be tempted, stretched, and drawn to Christ if they aren’t already Christians.  Kim prays her readers will see the greatness of God as well as how He personally enters the lives of His people. She wants her words to create a hunger and desire in the hearts of readers and help them draw closer to God in the mundane of their own lives as well as the mountaintop experiences. 

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 

1 Thessalonians 5:11

For more details about Kim Griffin's life, read below:

Raised in Memphis, Tennessee my husband (and college sweetheart) and God led me to a small town in middle Tennessee where we have raised our four children, three of whom are adults and live nearby. Our daughter and her husband recently made us grandparents. I’ve also lived in Augusta, Georgia; Kissimmee, Florida; and went to the University of Tennessee at Knoxville where I received my 5 year design degree. 

I’ve always been creative and loved to read. I was a voracious reader from grade school on and kept our school librarians on their toes.  Winning the elementary school read-a-thon in the third grade for most books read in the school only spurred me on.  

As a child, I often wrote, and my father recently reminded me he still has my first romance story written when I was seven or eight. It was called “Love on a Boat.” Can you guess what television series started in the late seventies and inspired that?! Through the years I wrote a couple of plays to perform with my neighbors and siblings.  In sixth grade, I decided my two best friends needed to help me make a mini-newspaper complete with stories, articles, and comics to distribute to other students in our grade.  

During middle school, I became interested in the visual arts and determined to prepare to become an interior designer so my writing diminished.  It wasn’t until years later as I was phasing my children out of homeschooling (aka they were graduating) that I was looking for something creative to do while I was at home with the remaining children and chose to write.  After discovering Wattpad I realized that was something I could do and writing would also allow me to minister to people around the world that I wouldn’t reach otherwise.

Of all the things you could know about me, the most important is that I’m a Christ follower. I became a Christian at the age of ten and have been following Him ever since. The more I learn from studying the Word of God in the Bible and comparing it with the truths God has revealed in the world and my life, the more I love Him and trust Him. I am not perfect nor is any Christian, but I know the One who is and would love to introduce you.  Above all, the two goals of my writing are to help readers see the hope we have in life when we lay down our burdens and trust God with them, and to help readers long to be in a relationship with Him.